
Wreathed in the impenetrable mists of the Gorgon Bay, deep within the sunken gulf of the Pit, the Children of the Ghost Light dwell. The guargolan, chitinous and alien, hold their grim courts with the glittering starlight demons, in their ominous cities of tarnished brass.

Deeper still, the roads of the pit thicken with these brass structures until at last one reaches the great sunken city of Old Ora, the lost palatial temple city of the extinct elves of Meneilas. Here, the guargolan have laid their seat of power, a council of immortals in blatant service to the star devourer Qetamoch, forever may she reign.

Devil Elf Ancestral Traits

Devil elves are a curious ancestry, having become something different than living in the continual baleful radiance of the City of Brass, yet not quite dead or even undead. You gain the following traits.

Age. Devil elves do not reproduce, and neither do they die of old age. Many are ancient beyond reckoning. Yet, the strange lights of the cities of brass deepen knowledge past comprehension, and many of the devil elves have long abandoned their old memories in the pursuit of more and more magical knowledge.

Size. Devil elves are not necessarily impressive in stature, despite the striking appearance of their gleaming chitinous frames, they stand somewhere between 5 and 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as though it were bright light, and you see in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Profane Transformation. If devil elves were humanoid once, that time has long past. Your creature type is Aberration.

Glimmering Chitin. You are resistant to fire, radiant, and necrotic damage. Any attempt to target you with a ray spell is done with disadvantage.

Trance. Devil elves don’t need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. This is referred to as a “trance”. While meditating, your mind opens entirely to the Thirsting Light of Qetamoch, where it is scoured to its abstract atoms and rebuilt entirely in each passing moment. After meditating in this way, you gain the same benefits that other humanoids do from 8 hours of sleep.

Art of a paint spill by Pavel @ Unsplash